New Patient Information

At ORS, we are committed to providing our patients with timely and safe care. To help us achieve this goal, we kindly request your cooperation with the following guidelines:

Clinic Safety

Your safety is our highest priority. We maintain strict safety protocols by screening for symptoms at our front door before patients enter the gym area. Additionally, we thoroughly sanitize all surfaces before and after equipment use. While masks are not mandatory, our staff will wear them upon patient request.


Please make every effort to arrive on time for your scheduled appointments. This allows us to provide efficient and uninterrupted care.


If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, we kindly request that you notify us at least twenty-four hours in advance. This allows us to accommodate other patients who may be in need of treatment.

Late Arrivals

If you arrive late for your appointment, we will do our best to accommodate you based on the therapist's schedule. However, please understand that arriving late may result in a shortened treatment session or the inability to receive all aspects of your scheduled treatment.

Early Arrivals

If you arrive early for your appointment, we will attend to you as soon as the therapist's schedule permits. However, please note that our therapists have obligations to other appointments, and you may be required to wait until your scheduled time.


To ensure preferred appointment times, we recommend scheduling your appointments as far in advance as your prescription/authorization allows. This helps us accommodate your preferences and optimize your manual therapy experience.


If you miss an appointment, please contact our front desk staff as soon as possible to reschedule. We understand that unforeseen circumstances may arise, and we will work with you to find an alternative appointment slot.

Merchandise and Supplies

All merchandise and supplies are sold directly to the patient and are not billed to the insurance company. If you wish to seek reimbursement, we encourage you to contact your insurance company for further information.

Non-Covered Services

There may be instances where certain services considered important for your rehabilitation are deemed "non-covered" or "non-benefit eligible" by your health plan. If this occurs, we will inform you in advance and provide you with the opportunity to sign a waiver and accept personal payment responsibility for the recommended service. Alternatively, you may choose to decline the service.

If you have any questions or require further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at 877-202-2175.


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